California Ballot Measures

Voting Faithfully

 A Video Guide to the 2024 California Ballot Propositions, available in English or Spanish!

Here is a link to a video recording of last night’s event on our YouTube Channel. A Guide to the 2024 California Ballot Propositions or Guía para el votante de la medida electoral de noviembre de 2024. Please share with others.

California Ballot Measures

November 2024 Ballot Measure Voter Guide

These recommendations by the Policy Council of the Lutheran Office of Public Policy-California are made within the framework of the principles, values, and commitments of ELCA Social Statements and Social Messages. Voter Guide

AiQ Immigrant Justice Racial Justice

ICE Contract With Yuba County Jail to End!

it is with joy that we announce that the last U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement contract with a California county’s jail has been terminated.

The Yuba County Jail has had a more than three-decade-long contract with ICE for a detention center. On Friday, officials announced that the contract would be ending within in the next 60 days. The news comes after years of public outcry over substandard and dangerous conditions in the facility. This is an answer to prayer!

AiQ Federal Legislation

Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022

Act in support of legislation to safeguard future elections. Go to this link on ELCA Advocacy to take action:

AiQ California Ballot Measures State

2022 Ballot Measure Recommendations

These recommendations by the Policy Council of the Lutheran Office of Public Policy-California are made within the framework of the principals, values, and commitments of ELCA Social Statements and Social Messages. Download PDF Document Below.

Immigrant Justice Poverty Racial Justice State Uncategorized

Five Thousand Attend the Rally at the End of the Farm Worker Rights March!

AiQ Events Immigrant Justice Poverty

United Farm Workers March Final Day!

On August 3rd, farm workers launched a 24-day, 335-mile “March for the Governor’s Signature” from the UFW’s historic Delano CA 40 Acres. They’re arriving on August 26th at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Will you join us for our final steps?

Farm workers are marching to win the right to vote for a union, free from intimidation and threats. This march is to convince Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign AB 2183, the Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act (AB 2183-Stone). The bill will give more choices to farm workers so they can vote without fear. Farm workers will be able to vote in secret whenever and wherever they feel safe. 

Be a part of history. On August 26, thousands of farm workers and supporters will march the last mile from Sacramento’s Southside park to the big finish at the capitol. Join us!

AiQ Federal Legislation Homelessness & Housing Poverty

News from Andrew Fuller, ELCA Program Director for Housing and Human Needs

At AIQ today Andrew shared with us links to several resources related to housing, including a voter guideline for people facing homelessness.


Immigrant Justice Poverty

Farmworkers Rights March

ELCA Advocacy and LOPPCA would love to see you in Delano CA on August 3 to support AB-2183, measure to support CA farmworkers. The bill has passed both houses of the legislature and this action is to urge Gov. Newsom to sign it into law. Plans for on-site are still unfolding but we wanted to give you a chance to join the action. 

If you’re interested in coming or bringing members of your congregation please email Regina Banks at

AiQ Health Care Homelessness & Housing Hunger Issues Poverty Racial Justice

AIQ News for June 22, 2022

Call the Governor’s Office and urge him to sign the budget! Then enjoy your summer until the first week in August when we meet again!