Call the Governor’s Office and urge him to sign the budget! Then enjoy your summer until the first week in August when we meet again!
Category: Health Care
Yesterday at AIQ we had two guest speakers. Phillip Kim representing AB 1400 (CalCare) California’s version of Medicare for All and RL Miller Director of Climate Hawks Vote speaking for the campaign for save rooftop solar.
We thank both of our speakers for keeping us informed on these important issues.
AB 1400 (CalCare): Phillip Kim stressed the importance of advocating right now for passage of AB 1400 in the Assembly. It must come to a vote in the Assembly by January 31st. He urged us to join email List for regular updates. Here are some links for more information.
CalCare Fact Sheets
Rooftop Solar: RL Millr stressed that the California Public Utilities Commission is poised to kill off much of the rooftop solar industry in California with a plan to slash solar incentives. She urged us to Call the Governor’s office at 916-445-2841 and say something along these lines: I am against the proposed Solar Penalty Fee! Nobody should pay a penalty for putting solar panels on their roof and California should be doing more, not less, to promote rooftop solar. Please show us you are serious about rate hikes, blackouts and air pollution. Say no to the utilities’ profit grab, and yes to helping millions of working and middle class people get solar.
Here is a link she left us with: https:
This is a very important week for funding of these bills!
Health4All Update: Thank all who have been involved for a powerful month of advocating for Health4All in the budget. Leadership is finishing their negotiations, so it’s our last week to keep the pressure up and ensure they hear from us before the budget goes into print on Saturday! Last Friday, Senator Durazo joined several coalition members at Cliníca Romero in Los Angeles for a press event to call on Governor Newsom to cover those age 50+ in the budget. Everyday this week, please help us lift up Friday’s action by tweeting photos from the event and tagging the @CAgovernor. Photos and sample tweets can be all be found in the digital toolkit, which is provided in both English and Spanish. This is our last push before the budget is finalized.
Food4All Update: This is an important moment for this campaign. We haven’t heard any news since the Governor and Legislature began negotiating the final budget, which means there’s still time to make our voices heard and NOW is the best time 🙂 It’s not too late to tell Governor Newsom: fund Food4All! Call/Email Today: Governor Gavin Newsom or Phone: (916) 445-2841. Already called? Call again! Already did that? Ask a friend/family member to call/email! Share these graphics and messages on social media!
Share these articles: ‘Essential for Everyone’: Food Aid Bill for Undocumented Californians Gains Momentum State Policymakers Can Provide Food Support to Undocumented and Mixed-Status California Families Blocked by Federal Policies !
Share these graphics and messages from Food4All’s Social Media Tool Kit on social media!
SB 364 (Skinner) – CA Universal School Meals: Sign-on to this budget request by tomorrow at 4pm. The crux of this legislation is its funding, so this is crucial.
AB 221 (Santiago) – Emergency Food Assistance: Is in Assembly Appropriations.
SB 464 (Hurtado) – Food for All: Is in Senate Appropriations.
Health4All’s campaign to have health care for undocumented seniors in the upcoming budget. They are having a tweetstorm to the governor and legislators among other actions that start today. Here is a link to customize tweets from your organization:
Important: Contact Diane Feinstein by phone or email and strongly urge her to support ending the filibuster! It the only way that meaningful legislation will be passed.
LOPP-CA is following several state bills. The most important are:
Housing: AB1199 creates a corporate landlord registry, AB15 Provides Covid relief eviction limitations
Healthcare: AB1400 Guaranteed Health Care for All AB1132 Health Care Consolidation and Contracting Fairness Act of 2021. Assembly-member Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa) introduced a package of bills to address health care affordability, access, equity, quality and cost containment. AB650 Would see health care workers receive up to $10,000 if they worked on the front lines during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Immigrant Justice: AB221 This bill would provide Emergency Food Benefits for immigrants adversely affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic and excluded from federal aid.