AiQ Enviroment State

AIQ News: 3/22/23

The Southwest California Synod hosted a meeting on World Water Day for celebrations, reflections, and calls-to-action on water and water justice. Here are some bills related to water that LOPP-CA is tracking in the state right now:

AB 1453 (Dixon)- Would require a 5-yr grant program to be established by the coastal conservancy to fund regular cleanups of beaches and waterways

AB 664 (Lee)- Would address safe drinking water in domestic wells at rental properties

AB 249 (Holden)- Would increase testing requirements & disclosure requirements of school drinking water lead levels; would also include infrastructure funding to improve water quality

Join us at AIQ on Wednesdays at 12pm Pacific Time to hear about these and other bills we can advocate around for water justice. Find the Zoom information here.

Remember to register for Lutheran Lobby Day 2023! Water issues fall under our theme of environmental justice and creation care. Register here!

AiQ Enviroment Events Federal Legislation

AIQ News: 3/15/23

SB 253 (Wiener)- The Climate Corporate Leadership & Data Accountability Act, a bill LOPPCA is strongly supporting along with our various coalition partners, is being heard in committee TODAY! Call your state Senator and urge them to support this crucial bill.

ELCA Advocacy call for public comment on harmful proposed asylum rule: Comment by March 27th! Find out more on the proposed rule and take action here.

Next Wednesday, March 22nd, is World Water Day. Instead of our regular AIQ meeting on that day, we will be joining Southwest California Synod from 12-1 pm for their annual celebration of World Water Day. There will be several speakers, including our Director, Regina Banks. We hope to see you there! You can sign up here to attend the event. The regularly scheduled AIQ will be back on March 29th.

Education Enviroment UN/National Updates

Hear from Regina at COP27!

Our fearless leader, Regina Banks, is attending the 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from November 6th-November 18th. A week and a half has already passed and Regina has been in a whirlwind of networking, connecting with other delegates, meetings, and events. What exactly has it been like to be part of an advocacy delegation from the US at COP27? Hear about it from Regina in this interview with Texas Impact!

Children's Issues Enviroment Federal Legislation Gender Justice Homelessness & Housing Hunger Issues

Register for Ecumenical Advocacy Days on April 25th-27th

Register now at

Education Enviroment Events

World Water Day Event Coming Up April 22nd at Noon!

AiQ Enviroment Health Care

AIQ Updates for Wednesday 01/26/2022

Yesterday at AIQ we had two guest speakers. Phillip Kim representing AB 1400 (CalCare) California’s version of Medicare for All and RL Miller Director of Climate Hawks Vote speaking for the campaign for save rooftop solar.

We thank both of our speakers for keeping us informed on these important issues.

AB 1400 (CalCare): Phillip Kim stressed the importance of advocating right now for passage of AB 1400 in the Assembly. It must come to a vote in the Assembly by January 31st. He urged us to join email List for regular updates. Here are some links for more information.

CalCare Fact Sheets

Rooftop Solar: RL Millr stressed that the California Public Utilities Commission is poised to kill off much of the rooftop solar industry in California with a plan to slash solar incentives. She urged us to Call the Governor’s office at 916-445-2841 and say something along these lines: I am against the proposed Solar Penalty Fee! Nobody should pay a penalty for putting solar panels on their roof and California should be doing more, not less, to promote rooftop solar. Please show us you are serious about rate hikes, blackouts and air pollution. Say no to the utilities’ profit grab, and yes to helping millions of working and middle class people get solar.

Here is a link she left us with: https:

Education Enviroment Events UN/National Updates Uncategorized

The ELCA is at COP26!

May be an image of text that says '"Human behavior may change through economic incentive, guilt about the past, or fear about the future. But as people of biblical faith, who live together in trust and hope, our primary motivation is the call to be God' and to do justice." caregivers UNCLIMATE CHANGE CO NFERENCE UK2021 UK IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ITALY 310CT-12 NOV 2021 GLASGOW ELCA social statement Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice (pg.8) advocacy #ELCAatCOP26'

Education Enviroment Events UN/National Updates

Regina is at COP 26!

Regina is attending the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on the 31 October – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26.

She should have lots of stories to share when she returns!

AiQ Enviroment Racial Justice Uncategorized

Action and News for March 10th From AIQ

Deb Haaland’s confirmation to lead the Department of the Interior could be in jeopardy. If confirmed, Haaland would be the first Indigenous person to manage the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education. Both are part of the Department of the Interior. She would also oversee more than 480 million acres of public lands and nearly a dozen federal agencies, including the National Park Service. Both California senators are collecting letters and emails of support for her. Please consider writing a letter of support.

Northern California Kelp Forests: An analysis of satellite imagery has found that the kelp forest that only eight years ago formed a leafy canopy along the Northern California coast has almost disappeared. This is a huge environmental concern. For articles with more information click on these links: USNEWS, CLICK THIS LINK to find out about the State of California Natural Resources Agency Kelp Forest Restoration Project in Mendocino County.