
Read the latest updates from LOPPCA.

AIQ News for February 2, 2022

Assembly Bill 1400: Sadly, the single-payer health care measure, Assembly Bill 1400 known as CalCare failed to come a vote, after its author couldn’t round up enough support before Monday’s deadline.  Because it was introduced last year, it needed to pass the Assembly by Monday January 31st to continue through the legislative process. Many advocates of this bill were very disappointed. State Bill Introduction Deadline: February 18th is the deadline for bills to be introduced in the state legislature. After that date LOPP-CA will set its priorities for the year. LOPP-CA Lobby Day 2022: Our lobby day is set for…

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AIQ Updates for Wednesday 01/26/2022

Yesterday at AIQ we had two guest speakers. Phillip Kim representing AB 1400 (CalCare) California’s version of Medicare for All and RL Miller Director of Climate Hawks Vote speaking for the campaign for save rooftop solar. We thank both of our speakers for keeping us informed on these important issues. AB 1400 (CalCare): Phillip Kim stressed the importance of advocating right now for passage of AB 1400 in the Assembly. It must come to a vote in the Assembly by January 31st. He urged us to join email List for regular updates. Here are some links for more information. CalCare…

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California Redistricting is Complete!

It’s important to learn what Congressional, State Senate and State Assembly Districts you are in. These will be our districts for the next ten years, beginning with the June 2022 Primary. I used the following link to find mine. It is important to click just one final map at a time to see the districts you are in. If you are close to a line between two districts you can put in your exact address to make sure which one you are in. I needed to do that to verify my State Senate District.

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Support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act!

ELCA Advocacy is urging all of us to contact our senators urging them to support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. If you have friends or relatives in states other than California, especially urge them to contact their senators. This is crucial to saving our democracy. Here is a link to an ELCA Advocacy contact form.

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Regina is at COP 26!

Regina is attending the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on the 31 October – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26. She should have lots of stories to share when she returns!

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AIQ is On Hold

AIQ is on hold until the State Legislature meets again the first week of January. We may rename it at that time, but we will meet again on Wednesdays at noon beginning in January.

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AIQ Asks for Wednesday, July 28th

Budget Advocacy; Please write a “thank you” one of the links below. Mention you are from Lutheran Office of Public Policy. Immigration/ Migration Also encourage your pastor to sign on to the letter linked below, “Garment Workers Sign On Letter” Green Burial : Information on proposed legislation.

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