
Read the latest updates from LOPPCA.

AiQ Begins Jan. 17

Welcome to the start of a new year and a new legislative session! Get ready to hit the ground running with us next week on Wednesday, January 17th at noon when AiQ starts again. We’ll cover the current legislative landscape in 2024, the Governor’s proposed budget, and initial legislation we’re watching this session.

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SB 4 Celebration!

A celebration event for the passing of SB 4 took place last week at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) in San Francisco! Regina Banks was in attendance and shared that it was a truly joyous event that brought together faith communities and the labor unions that advocated on behalf of the bill this year. Below are some photos from the event. LOPP will work with congregations in the coming year to help them begin taking advantage of SB 4 to house our neighbors.

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SB 4 Signed Into Law

Happy, happy news, advocates! Governor Newsom signed SB 4 (Wiener) – The Affordable Housing on Faith-Based Lands Act into law on Wednesday, October 12th. This bill is so important for advancing affordable housing efforts and enabling faith organizations to answer the call to house our neighbors. Thank you SO much to everyone who attended AiQs and took action, those who attended Lobby Day, and those who did various other bits of advocacy this session to get SB 4 across the finish line. We could not have done this without you. Now is the time to celebrate!

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AiQ News: 9/13/23

Great news, advocates! SB 4 passed out of the legislature and is on its way to the Governor! This is the product of years of advocacy, and we cannot be more excited to get this important housing bill across the finish line. Please call, email, and tag the Governor’s office on social media to urge him to sign the bill. AB 249 (Holden), another one of our Lobby Day priority bills, has just one more vote to go in the legislature before going to the Governor as well. That means 2 of the 4 Lobby Day bills have a great…

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AiQ News: 8/16/23

AiQ has started again now that the legislature is back in session. Some key updates following the legislative recess include: Appropriations hearings are taking place the next 2 weeks. Remaining bills must get out of Appropriations before floor votes in early September. SB 4 (Wiener) and AB 249 (Holden) will be in heard in their respective Appropriations committees during this time. AB 712 (W. Carrillo) was signed into law by the Governor! This new law will now include hot and prepared food access for EBT users. SB 4 (Wiener), the Affordable Housing on Faith and Higher Education Lands Act, needs…

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SB 4 & SB 253 Testimony

Hear Director, Regina Banks, and Hunger Advocacy Fellow, Savannah Jorgensen, give public testimony in support of SB 4 (Wiener) and SB 253 (Wiener) at the Assembly Natural Resources Committee hearing on Monday, July 10th. Regina & Savannah Testify on SB 4 & SB 253

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Lobby Day 2023 Bill Updates (7/13)

These two bills are continuing to move forward following committee hearings this week as we approach the deadline for bills to make it out of their second house policy committees. The next step is the Appropriations Committee before a floor vote. These bills can use our continued advocacy! SB 4 (Wiener): Affordable Housing on Faith-Based Lands Act. This bill would provide a streamlined process for religious institutions and nonprofit colleges to develop affordable housing on their properties, regardless of local zoning restrictions. This bill also would guarantee by-right approval of projects as long as they are consistent with all objective…

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AiQ News: 7/12/23

SB 4 (Wiener): Affordable housing on faith-based lands – passed out of Assembly Natural Resources Committee with amendments on 7/10. It next heads to Appropriations. SB 253 (Wiener): Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act – passed out of Assembly Natural Resources Committee with amendments on 7/10: It next heads to Appropriations. **Any bills still active as of today will need to be passed out of their respective policy committees by the end of the day on Friday, July 14th to meet the legislative deadline. Bills that do make it to Appropriations will need our support in those committees. From there, we…

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