AIQ Action for May 26th
Food4All Call to Action Call/Email Key Decision Makers Call or send your own email Direct calls and emails make a difference! Contact these key decision makers to let them know you want to ensure Food4All is included in the state budget. You can also find your Representative here and share the same message below. Governor Gavin Newsom(916) 445-2841Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins(916) 651-4039Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon(916) 319-2063Senator Nancy Skinner, Chair, Senate Budget Committee(916) 651-4009Assemblymember Phil Ting, Chair, Assembly Budget Committee (916) 319-2019 Sample ScriptHello, My name is _____ from _____ (either location or organization) and I am CALLING/WRITING to…
California Roars Back: Governor Newsom Announces Largest State Tax Rebate in American History
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Contact: Governor’s Press OfficeMonday, May 10, 2021(916) 445-4571 Two-thirds of Californians set to benefit from Golden State Stimulus checks amounting to nearly $12 billion in total – the largest state tax rebate in American history Billions in funding for rental relief and water and utility assistance Part of the Governor’s $100 billion California Comeback Plan, a comprehensive recovery plan to tackle five of California’s most persistent challenges SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom today previewed his $100 billion California Comeback Plan – the biggest economic recovery package in California’s history – including unprecedented investments to address the state’s most persistent challenges,…
Bills That Need Attention This Week!
SB 364 (Skinner) – CA Universal School Meals: Sign-on to this budget request by tomorrow at 4pm. The crux of this legislation is its funding, so this is crucial. AB 221 (Santiago) – Emergency Food Assistance: Is in Assembly Appropriations. SB 464 (Hurtado) – Food for All: Is in Senate Appropriations. Health4All’s campaign to have health care for undocumented seniors in the upcoming budget. They are having a tweetstorm to the governor and legislators among other actions that start today. Here is a link to customize tweets from your organization:
Take Action on Food and Farming Bills LOPP-CA is Endorsing.
SB 464- Contact Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Anthony Portantino and Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins during this critical moment in the process and tell them why they need to pass SB 464 now. Call: Senator Anthony Portantino, Chair at (916) 651-4025 and Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins at (916) 651-4039Click here to email Senators Portantino and Atkins about taking action for #Food4All. Sample Script:Hello, my name is _______, and I am emailing to urge Senate President pro Tem Atkins or Senator Anthony Portantino to support SB 464 (Hurtado)—Food4All, a bill that will create a more equitable food assistance system that…
Undocumented Californians Have Been Excluded from Supports
April 22, 2021California Families, Federal Exclusions & How the State Can Step in Now: Did you know undocumented and mixed status California families have been excluded from thousands of dollars in federal aid during the pandemic, even though they are deeply integrated into our communities, workplaces, and schools? Undocumented Californians are also shut out of most other supports, including the federal Earned Income Tax Credit and unemployment benefits. This leaves families with fewer resources to pay for food, rent, or other expensesState policymakers can step in now with support for undocumented Californians. California’s Golden State Stimulus replaced only a portion of…
Action for March 31st from AIQ
Bills to support right now in Food and Farming: SB 464 (Hurtado) – Food for All – Would expand the CalFresh benefits available to undocumented immigrants in California (While these folks are not eligible for the federal SNAP program, California has funding through a parallel program to CalFresh that provides food assistance for people ineligible due to documentation status – this program needs further development, outreach, and funding to meet the needs of Californians. This bill is in committee process. (Long-term relief bill) AB 221 (Santiago) – Emergency Food Assistance during COVID-19 to Undocumented Immigrants and their families. This bill was amended in…
Gender Justice Course: United Theological College of the West Indies
New Kit for Welcoming Migrants Available!
Here is a link to a new Action Toolkit for Welcoming Migrants where you will find helpful links to additional information, organizations, and resources to engage in individual and group action, including: National and local organizations that work with asylum seekers and unaccompanied childrenReflection and worship resourcesAction alerts and advocacy opportunitiesBackground information on asylum and immigration policiesAsylum sponsorship information Together, we can continue to build awareness, pray for justice, connect with and support organizations engaged in this important ministry, and urge our public officials to humanely welcome children and families seeking asylum.