AiQ Enviroment Racial Justice Uncategorized

Action and News for March 10th From AIQ

Deb Haaland’s confirmation to lead the Department of the Interior could be in jeopardy. If confirmed, Haaland would be the first Indigenous person to manage the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education. Both are part of the Department of the Interior. She would also oversee more than 480 million acres of public lands and nearly a dozen federal agencies, including the National Park Service. Both California senators are collecting letters and emails of support for her. Please consider writing a letter of support.

Northern California Kelp Forests: An analysis of satellite imagery has found that the kelp forest that only eight years ago formed a leafy canopy along the Northern California coast has almost disappeared. This is a huge environmental concern. For articles with more information click on these links: USNEWS, CLICK THIS LINK to find out about the State of California Natural Resources Agency Kelp Forest Restoration Project in Mendocino County.

AiQ Events Hunger Issues Poverty State UN/National Updates

Action for March 3rd from AIQ

Please consider attending Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD)! This is an annual national gathering of Christian advocates and activists. We worship, delve deeply into the pressing issues of the day, and lift our voices by speaking truth to power on Capitol Hill. The 2021 theme is ““Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored.” EAD 2021 is an opportunity to support this global movement centered on and led by the people and communities most vulnerable to climate impacts due to historic racial and colonial inequities. Together, we will passionately advocate and reimagine a world that lives out the values of justice, equity and the beloved community. EAD 2021 will be a virtual gathering, to be held April 18-21, 2021. Register now!

Great news: LOPP-CA is now a part of First 5 California. We have a seat on their round table

Nicole Newell is back with LOPP-CA! She will be coordinating Lutheran Lobby Day. Lobby Day will be virtual and held on Wednesday, May 19th. The keynote speaker will be announced soon.

This legislative session LOPP-CA along with Bread for the World will be watching the movement and focusing on these three bills:

• SB 107 CalFresh: Simple for Seniors, which makes it easier for seniors to access healthy public food assistance
• SB 364 End Child Hunger, which establishes universal school meals for all kids in public schools and creates a stopgap nutrition program for school breaks and when campuses are closed
• AB 221 Emergency Food for All, which grants food assistance access to immigrants, regardless of status.

Others may be added later.

You can research the progress of any state bill by going to and searching for the bill by bill number or key words.

AiQ Children's Issues Hunger Issues Poverty State

Action for February 24th from AIQ

Consider signing up for Chase Tibb’s podcast Faith and Capital at:

Write a letter to your state senator and/or assemblyperson stating that as Christians we affirm the Right to Food for all people – access, nutrition, food security, and dignity. In 2021 Californians will be speaking up about the Right to Food. Please personalize your letter and use your own words when possible. Be sure to include the bill numbers and names. Urge them to support the following hunger related bills:

• SB 107 CalFresh: Simple for Seniors, which makes it easier for seniors to access healthy public food assistance
• SB 364 End Child Hunger, which establishes universal school meals for all kids in public schools and creates a stopgap nutrition program for school breaks and when campuses are closed
• AB 221 Emergency Food for All, which grants food assistance access to immigrants, regardless of status.

AiQ Poverty State

Action for February 10th from AIQ

Let your pastor and congregation know by an announcement in church or a newsletter article that these are some important bills that Lutheran Office of Public Policy-CA will be working on this year.

SB 108, as introduced, Hurtado. State Healthy Food Access Policy. This bill would declare that it is the established policy of the state that every human being has the right to access sufficient healthy food.

AB 221, as introduced, Santiago. Emergency Food Assistance for all. The State Department of Social Services shall provide a food assistance benefit statewide to low-income California residents, regardless of their immigration status.

AB 614 (Eggman)—“Farm to Food Bank” Tax Credit
Overview: This bill would increase access to the food donation tax credit for agricultural growers by expanding the list of qualified donation items to food banks and other non-profit organizations by including other fresh food items not currently in statute, as well as various shelf-stable dietary staples. 

Emergency food and diapers bill. (no number yet)


Action for February 3rd From AIQ

On a Federal level: If your Congressperson is a Republican email or call them and urge them to support the full stimulus package!

California EDD: Let Regina know if you have contact with someone involved with EDD decision making.

California Earned Income Tax Credit: While EITC Awareness Day Has passed, the information in their social media toolkit is still valid.  Please use their resources on your social media posts. Go to for the tool kit and more resources.


AIQ for Wednesday, January 27th

Be sure to read this excellent blog linked at the bottom of this post by the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Director of ELCA Advocacy. Also consider these action steps from ELCA Advocacy.


AiQ: August 19

1. Call the Senate Appropriations Committee before Thursday’s suspense file hearing.

Call Committee Staff at (916) 651-4101 in support of the following bills which will be heard on 8/20:

  • AB 3121: Reparations Task Force
  • AB 2542: Racial Justice Act
  • AB 2043: Farmworker Safety and CalOSHA requirements
  • AB 826: Emergency Food Assistance for Immigrants

Give your name and city of residence. Go on the record in support of each bill. Tell the staffer why you care.

2. Email your Senator in support of CalFresh Prison Preenrollment today.

3. Sign up for Friday’s immigrant justice vigil and ballot measure events


AiQ: August 12

1. Immigrant Food Assistance

Support AB 826 with a letter to Senator Anthony Portantino, Chair of the Appropriations Committee

2. Reparations Bill

Call the Senate Appropriations Committee and voice your support for AB 3121 (Weber): Reparations Task Force.

This bill will be heard in Appropriations tomorrow, Thursday August 13.

Call Senate Appropriations Staff at (916) 651-4101

  • Name and city that you live in
  • Go on the record that you support the passage of this bill to the Senate floor

3. Federal Relief Package

Share this fact sheet (use share icons on left corner of page) and tag Congressmembers and White House officials in your post.

The only way to adequately meet the needs of a reeling economy, struggling families, and cash-strapped states and localities is for President Trump and Congress to come to agreement on a robust, bipartisan economic relief package.

  • Tens of millions of people have lost their jobs, and millions report that their households did not get enough to eat, are behind on their rent or mortgage, or both.
  • Nearly 30 million adults reported that their household didn’t get enough to eat for the week ending July 21, according to Census estimates.
  • Nearly 15 million renters (more than 1 in 5) reported that they were behind on rent for the same week.
  • Some 19 million children (more than 1 in 4) live in a household that is behind on rent or mortgage payments, isn’t getting enough to eat, or both, based on Census estimates from late June and July.
AiQ State


It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on this earth. 

Cesar Chavez, in his statement at the end of his 24-day fast for justice

Today’s Actions

  1. #Farmworker Day of Action
  2. Call Senate Committee to Support Food Access for People Leaving Incarceration
  3. Sign On to Ensure School Meals Access
  4. #SafteyNet4All Day of Action

Other bills discussed include AB 3070 – Anti-discrimination in Jury Selection, AB 2542 – Racial Justice Act, and AB 3121 – Reparations Task Force (Similar to HR 40). To support, please visit the committee websites and make a phone call to staff or committees members

Farmworker COVID-19 Study

California employs an estimated 800,000 farmworkers. Most work at seasonal jobs—rarely holding full-time, year-round work—and earn an average annual income of less than $18,000. A recent study found:

  • Nearly 1/2 of farmworkers lost work time & income during #COVID19. 
  • 60% of workers are undocumented & ineligible for most social safety net programs. 
  • 54% of respondents reported that costs, lack of insurance, and/or lack of sick leave prevented them from accessing healthcare, even if ill. 

Read full data summary here.

Food Justice for People Leaving Prison

Support AB 3073: CalFresh Prison Preenrollment with a phone call to one of the following Senators if they represent you or to the committee staff:

CA Senate Human Services Committee

Senate Human Services Committee staff:

  • Phone: (916) 651-1524


Ensure Access to Meals this School Year: Sign-On to Urge USDA to Extend Waivers by 8/10

If you are leader of an organization, please use this form to sign onto FRAC’s letter for your organization. The deadline is Monday the 10th.

Safety Net for All Day of Action

Immigrant leaders and coalition partners with Safety Net for All are mobilizing across the state – holding actions in San Diego, LA, and Sacramento – calling on our Governor and state leaders to #ChooseImmigrantsNotCEOs by investing in a #SafetyNet4AllofUs now. 

Last week’s economic stimulus proposal from the CA Legislature was a powerful sign that our leaders are hearing us. But California’s immigrant families can’t wait to put food on the table and support their families. We’re calling on our leaders to follow-through on ensuring a #SafetyNet4AllofUs by approving a wage replacement program before the end of August!

Here are 3 ways you can support today:

  1. Follow @SafetyNet4All on Twitter and Facebook to amplify the actions today
  2. If you are posting from any of the actions, please tag @SafetyNet4All and use the hashtags below
  3. Share the below posts & tweets!


Safety Net for All Graphics here

United Front Week of Action Toolkit here






Join us today @SafetyNet4All in San Diego, LA, & Sacramento. We call on state leaders to #ChooseImmigrantsNotCEOs by investing in a #SafetyNet4AllofUs & wage replacement for undocumented families! #ChooseUsNotBillionaires @CAgovernor @GavinNewsom @SenToniAtkins @Rendon63rd 


Únete hoy a @SafetyNet4All en San Diego, LA, Sacramento. Hacemos un llamado a los líderes estatales a  #Elegir a los inmigrantes invirtiendo en un #SafetyNet4AllofUs & reemplazo de salario para las familias indocumentadas! @CAgovernor @GavinNewsom @SenToniAtkins @Rendon63rd 

!Share Tweet en Español!

San Diego: 

Today Aug 5th at 10AM: San Diego immigrant leaders call for a #SafetyNet4AllofUs now! Follow the digital press conference at #OurFamiliesAreEssential #ChooseUsNotBillionaires @SafetyNet4All @afsc_org @CPIsd @CHIRLA @SDIRC @seiuusww @unitehere  


Los Angeles:

Undocumented workers lost most jobs of all groups & need of wage replacement now! Join @SafetyNet4All TODAY at 10am @ SPKR Rendon’s, 4909 Lakewood Blvd #ChooseUsNotBillionaires @CHIRLA @DrJoseFMoreno @ELAWC @wwunited @CaliforniaLabor  @GarmentWorkerLA @UnitedWaysCA @domesticworkers

Immigrant families are essential to our state – CA cannot recover unless all families are healthy & safe. We demand #SafetyNet4AllofUs! #ChooseImmigrantsNotCEOs @CHIRLA @DrJoseFMoreno @ELAWC @wwunited @CaliforniaLabo @GarmentWorkerLA @UnitedWaysCA @domesticworkers


Undocumented families shouldn’t go hungry during the pandemic. We’re asking our leaders to  #ChooseImmigrantsNotCEOs & invest in #SafetyNet4AllofUs. #ChooseUsNotBillionaires @CHIRLA @DrJoseFMoreno @ELAWC @wwunited @CaliforniaLabo @GarmentWorkerLA @UnitedWaysCA @domesticworkers



Join us TODAY at 11:30am, west steps of the Capitol in Sacramento as we lift up stories of immigrants via the InsideOut portrait project. #SafetyNet4AllofUs  #ChooseUsNotBillionaires @SafetyNet4All @CHIRLA @JRart @CAgovernor @GavinNewsom @Ash_Kalra @SenToniAtkins @Rendon63rd 



Today, we are mobilizing across the state – Los Angeles, San Diego, & Sacramento – calling on our Governor and state leaders to #ChooseImmigrantsNotCEOs by investing in a #SafetyNet4AllofUs and wage replacement for undocumented Californians now! Follow us at @SafetyNet4All throughout the day!

SAN DIEGO @10am: Tune into a digital press conference led by immigrant rights leaders at

LOS ANGELES @10am: Support immigrant workers gathering to share testimony at Speaker Rendon’s office, 4909 Lakewood Blvd, 90712.

SACRAMENTO @11:30am: Lift up immigrant stories on the west capitol steps as part of the Portraits of Urgency art installation! 

#SafetyNet4AllofUs #ChooseImmigrantsNotCEOs #ChooseUsNotBillionaires

AiQ Poverty

AiQ: SNAP Increases

State Action

AB 3073 is waiting to be scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Human Services Committee. With 5 weeks left in the session and many bills to consider, Senators need to hear from you to know that this bill is important and must be heard!

LOPPCA is a sponsor of this bill alongside Bread for the World. This bill allows people exiting the criminal justice system to enroll in CalFresh benefits prior to leaving prison, supporting successful reintegration into civic life. 

Federal Action

Tell Congress: Make food access a priority. As negotiations continue through the week, we urge California’s lawmakers to lift up responsible and real solutions to the hardship millions are facing. The next recovery package must include: 

  • a 15% boost to SNAP benefits, 
  • an extension of Pandemic EBT, 
  • an extension of WIC waivers, 
  • and more significant fiscal relief for states and people with low and moderate-incomes–including ALL immigrant households.

Call & Email Your Members of Congress.

Your voice is critical. Urge your members not to leave D.C. without boosting SNAP benefits and enacting other key anti-hunger provisions in the next recovery package. 
Sample Script & Contact Info