Our Voter Guide is up! There are many important issues on the Ballot this November, and it is our job as Christians to take the steps we can to expand God’s table when able, reaching out and being active members in our society. Below is a link to our voter guide this November!

Racial Equity Now: Yes on 16!
What can your church can do to support Black liberation? Regina Q. Banks, Director of the Lutheran Office of Public Policy – California, will address this pressing question by way of policy analysis. In 1996, CA voters passed Proposition 209, banning affirmative action in California’s public institutions. Twenty-four years have passed, and now Proposition 16 will allow California voters to decide whether this ban should end or continue to stand.
During the forum, we will dig into the text of both propositions and reference ELCA social statements. Attendees will leave with the skills to do a policy analysis training with their own congregations.
*By registering, you affirm your commitment to work toward racial equity and agree to dialogue with respect and readiness to roll up your sleeves and get to work. This is not a space where the value of racial equity or the issues faced by people of color will be debated.

Expand the Vote: Yes on 18!
Who gets to vote in our country and why? Should the vote be expanded to include more young people? In this policy discussion with Advocacy Fellow Nicole Newell, we dig into the history of voting rights and the statements of our faith with respect to Proposition 18, which would allow some 17-year olds to vote some of the time. Prop 18 will be on the November 2020 ballot.
What are Ballot Measures?
There are a few different kinds of ballot measures, but the bottom line is that voters get to directly legislate on issues put on the ballot either by citizens, organizations, or the Legislature. This is a form of direct democracy. Most of our laws are created by and voted upon by elected representatives. But with ballot measures, the people–specifically registered voters–decide on the issue directly.
Double check your voter registration to make sure you will receive a ballot for this election and can make your voice heard.